Unit 11
New Tredgar Business Park
New Tredegar
NP24 6BH
M: 07801 705694

"…It was important that, with such high profile VIPs and an audience comprising major business guests, that the event should go well and project the right image of Media Wales. SMS provided an excellent service fully meeting our requirements. I have since received a lot of positive feedback about the event and want to thank SMS for all your hard work. I look forward to using your services again."
Alan Edmunds, Publishing Director, Media Wales
NEXO on Tour
The largest gets the best
The largets live tour in the USA in 2015 was Chesney Hawkes. Concerned to ensure sonic quality the sound team choose NEXO as their tour rig. Supplied by Nashville based Morris Light and Sound both Haskell the CEO and Chris Raybold Sound engineer for Chesney Hawkes where full of praise for the system. But you don't have to go as far as the USA to enjoy the sonic quality and performance of a NEXO rig. SMS Audio carries a stock of NEXO; to get the best simply contact SMS Audio for a competitive quote to supply your tour, festival or event.